Islam in Asia 08 Gallery
Student Project
Egypt 2008
Turkey 2007

Islam in Asia 2008


Please find here a few of the thousands of images that resulted from the Islam in Asia 2008 trip. I have arranged the countries more or less in the order in which I visited them, but within the countries the order is entirely random.


I reserve all rights to the following images.  They are provided free of charge for educational purposes here in reduced size and quality, and may be freely accessed for viewing within the context of this website for educational purposes. However, these images are protected by copyright law and may not be copied for any purpose by any means without prior permission. These images are available in high resolution digital format  for academic use to interested scholars upon inquiry at 


I have provided a small group representative images here. A complete set of digital images from these sites together with metadata in spreadsheet format,  is also available by license agreement, for a one time fee, to accredited institutions for on campus educational, not for profit use.

Complete catalogues are available upon request.

Because the images presented here are intended only as samples they have been reduced in size and pixel count from the originals. However you may click on any of the thumbnails below to view them at a fraction of original size. Use the Back button on your browser to return to thumbnails. Full size high resolution images are available.

 See also: Islamic and Mudejar Art and Architecture in Spain



















