Brief Introduction to the Image CataloguesThese copyright protected images are available by license agreement only for on campus, not for profit, educational purposes and are not available for any other purpose except, upon request and by separate license, for one time publication rights in scholarly publications. I have been taking pictures for educational purposes since 1988. Since 2006 I have been using Nikon digital cameras, shooting Raw and fine jpeg. Many of the images I shot before 2006 on slide film have now been digitized, and the process is ongoing. However, any of the as yet unscanned the slide images are also available as digital images upon request, scanned from the original on a Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 ED. Metadata files will be provided either on a standard Excel template or customized as required. Some of the older catalogues were originally created in the 1980s and early 1990s using the only software then available, an early DOS version of Lotus 1 2 3. I converted these to comma separated tables for posting here. I have since converted the older Lotus files to the current version of Microsoft Excel. The older catalogues are now available in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets by e-mail upon request. The more recent work, including the images originally taken using digital media, has been and is being catalogued in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets that are available, via e-mail, upon request. For the slides, each entry identifies a single slide by Location, Name, Brief Description, Dates (where known or appropriate) and classification. The last numbers are the actual address of the physical slide on a page of 20 slides in a three ring binder. These numbers indicate page number and position, 1 through 20, on the page. The catalogues are grouped by geographical region and by chronology of the field trip that produced the slides in the catalogue. The digital images are identified by a unique catalogue number indicating their location by file number within the respective folders with prefixes indicating the collection. and folder. Digital images are available on DVD format or, for larger sets, on portable external hard drives.
All of these images, slides or digital, are available, for a one time fee, for perpetual site license at accredited academic institutions. Individual images or small sets of select images are available to scholars for research purposes or publications. Fees in these instances, if applicable, will be considered on a case by case basis.