Imperial Rome �NOTICEI reserve all rights to the following images. They are provided free of charge for educational purposes here, and may be freely accessed for viewing within the context of this website for educational purposes. However, these images are protected by copyright law and may not be copied for any purpose by any means without prior permission. Because the images presented here are intended only as samples they have been reduced in size and pixel count from the originals. However you may click on any of the thumbnails below to view them at a fraction of original size. Use the Back button on your browser to return to thumbnail. for one time a fee by perpetual license complete sets of Full size high resolution images from these sites are available to accredited institutions for on campus educational use, together with metadata in spreadsheet format, Complete catalogues are available upon request. For more information please contact drkiracofe@interamericaninstitute.org
Gallery of the Emperors The Emperor Claudius as Jupiter Julio-Claudian dynasty Augustus 27BC-14AD Tiberius 14-37 Claudius 41-54 Nero 54-68
Flavian Dynasty Vespasian 69-79 Titus 79-81 Domitian 81-96
Nervan-Antonian Dynasty
Nerva 96-98 Trajan 98-117 Hadrian 117-138 Antoninus Pius 136-161 Lucius Verus 161-169 Marcus Aurelius 161-180 Commodus 176-192
Severan Dynasty Septimius Severus 193-211 Caracalla 211-217 Geta 209-211 Marcinus 217-218 Elagobalus 218-222 Alexander Severus 222-235
Some other Sculptures
Some Imperial buildings in Rome |