Mexican Mannerism? Additional Images Iconographic Table Huejotzingo Contracts Teposcolula Retablo Andres de Concha


Huey Cocoliztli
1524 Andean Epidemic
Teposcolula Papers
Mudejar Art
Retablo Art
Mural Art

This group of papers and images has been posted for use by Michael Schreffler's students in ARTH338.  


All images presented on this page are property of James B. Kiracofe and the Inter-American Institute and are protected by copyright law. These images may not be copied by any means for any purpose without written permission of the copyright owners.

The images and intellectual property here are owned by James B. Kiracofe and the Inter-American Institute and are protected by copyright law. Any infringement will be vigorously prosecuted.  Dr. Schreffler and his students are authorized to use these images and texts for any on-campus, non-commercial, educational purpose and may reproduce the images for classroom use or for use in assignments related to the course.